I'm Stephen Griffin and I make the Quizbeard Weekly Trivia Podcast. I say weekly but it's not an exact science - sometimes I'm a bit busy with the kids or work. Most weeks I aim to get the podcast published on a Friday but, again, kids and work. During the week, I work at the University of Birmingham but usually do so from home these days.
Planning for Quizbeard as a podcast began in late 2018, after I'd played a trivia board game over Christmas, and the first episode went live just before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold, forcing everyone into their homes for lockdown. I think I'd released a couple of episodes before this became too widespread and, by sheer dint of fate, loads of people suddenly began hosting Zoom quiz nights and searching for quizzes online to share with family and friends.
The response to the podcast has been incredibly positive so far and I'd like to thank everyone who has played along, engaged on social media, made a suggestion for a round topic, sent a comment, entered a competition, bought some goodies from the shop or donated to the coffee fund to keep things up and running. I appreciate it all :-)
Planning for Quizbeard as a podcast began in late 2018, after I'd played a trivia board game over Christmas, and the first episode went live just before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold, forcing everyone into their homes for lockdown. I think I'd released a couple of episodes before this became too widespread and, by sheer dint of fate, loads of people suddenly began hosting Zoom quiz nights and searching for quizzes online to share with family and friends.
The response to the podcast has been incredibly positive so far and I'd like to thank everyone who has played along, engaged on social media, made a suggestion for a round topic, sent a comment, entered a competition, bought some goodies from the shop or donated to the coffee fund to keep things up and running. I appreciate it all :-)